Good Work Done Well with Tim Nortz
By Toby Lucich & Tim Nortz
Toby Lucich:
This is Toby Lucich with Return Leverage sitting today with Tim Nortz, a community HR executive here in Portland. Tim, thanks for joining us.
Tim Nortz:
Absolutely, thanks for having me, Toby.
Toby Lucich:
Yeah. Excited to talk to you a little bit about your experience and the work you’ve done as an HR leader in organizations. If you are thinking about an organization intent to grow at that midsize (at that fifty to seventy size), what are the pieces around performance review that would provide the most value? Whether it’s a formal or informal process; thinking back to the growth trajectory that you're familiar with.
Tim Nortz:
Photo by on Unsplash
Yeah, well again I think it's really being with the leaders or the people that are making all the decisions and understanding the future of what they want more. Meaning they know the kinds of clients they’re going to have, the type of talent that we're going to need is so important because that's going to start informing what we want to drive, what performance we want to drive, and I mean, I can't stress that enough. So, from there you can go on and have the conversation about the employee value propositions, what it is that we want them to understand that’s so important. Then you can put pieces around it, you can create a cadence, right? That's not very hard. You can do it annually, you can do it on a different cycle, you can put tools in place that you can build out if you want. I think in that phase we’re talking about, it's important maybe to not over complicate. You've got a phase in which people are going through so much change that quite frankly you have people that are experiencing cognitive overload and we know that we all don't work well and they're minor performance can take a hit during that time so it's really again what kind of behavior doing want to drive and setting up those conversations around that. For employees, it's about being transparent about how we're going to do it, like whether that's on an annual cycle or what not and we’re going to base it on these things that we've discussed. If it’s really transparent, it's expected by employees, and you follow through with what you said in with that, you’re going to get peak results from how you do a review with that kind of performance in the behaviors that you want to get.